The Game of Life

Today we played The Game of Life in class. This game, like other board games is interactive because it requires the players to control the game and dictate the results (to a certain degree). The players have to spin the spinner, move the pieces and choose the cards. The players make decisions about how they want to play the game. While playing, I noticed how much I had to do to make the game work. Spin the spinner, move the little car with me and my wife in, put kids in the back of our station wagon, pick a career card and salary card, adn so on. This board game could be turned into an art experience bycomparing the ending lives of all the players. Ever players' lives change throughout the game (they change jobs, go to school, have kids...). Playing the board game was a little different than playing the Happy-Meal game in that the board game offered a few more ways to make the results different. The Happy-Meal game also had a set amount of max time for the experience. After about 3 minutes, you were either dead or you beat the game. In the board game, some of the groups in class finished before the others. There was no set max amount of time before the interaction would end.

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