Graffiti 360

In a world controlled by industry and the machine, this blog observes and critiques the world's true graffiti problem, which is advertising and marketing. From time to time, I'll also talk about art and interactive media. Or whatever else I feel like.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Advertising Industry In Half A Nutshell

Everyday I ask myself why? Why do I work in this mind controlling, manipulating, self-centered industry called advertising? A friend of mine who works at Avenue A/Razorfish concluded this - working in the advertising industry is like having a bitchy girlfriend who puts out. I agree. She's hot, she's hip, and she's horny, but goddamn she's needy and testy too! You wanna be with her because you create some pretty sweet stuff (it can be magical), but it sucks sitting through all the bullshit.

Unless . . . you're a freelancer. Freelancers are straight up playas. They get all the magical, but they're not tied to a single agency or client. However, you don't always get play as frequently when you're a freelancer, unless you're dyn-o-mite.

Some people like the comfort of a monogamous, solid relationship, while others prefer to play the field. Well, I'd rather have a bitchy girl who puts out than a boring one who's as dry as the Mojave.

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