Common Theme?
So, I subscribe to adrants daily, which brings me news on the latest advertising successes and utter failures in the industry each day. This morning, there was a blurp about a new Absolut commercial. Here it is -
Way cool, a giant pillow fight. Man, wouldn't that be sweet to be a part of? I wonder who the genius was who came up with this one? Oh, wait now. That reminds me of another commercial that I saw a while back that shares a similar theme, and I think it looks like this -
So, my first thought was, jeez, did some agency just recycle an idea but change the weapon? I did some research and found out that it was two separate agencies. The Xbox Balloon fight commercial was created by two agencies - McCann Erickson and 72andSunny in November of 2005. The new Absolut commericial was created by TBWA\Chiat\Day. You can read the stories here - Absolut Pillows and Xbox Balloons
Way cool, a giant pillow fight. Man, wouldn't that be sweet to be a part of? I wonder who the genius was who came up with this one? Oh, wait now. That reminds me of another commercial that I saw a while back that shares a similar theme, and I think it looks like this -
So, my first thought was, jeez, did some agency just recycle an idea but change the weapon? I did some research and found out that it was two separate agencies. The Xbox Balloon fight commercial was created by two agencies - McCann Erickson and 72andSunny in November of 2005. The new Absolut commericial was created by TBWA\Chiat\Day. You can read the stories here - Absolut Pillows and Xbox Balloons
Labels: absolut, McCann Erickson, TBWA\Chiat\Day, xbox