America Overweight? How did that happen?
First thoughts - Oh my goodness. No wonder more than half of our nation's population is overwight. Good job Advertising and the entire fast food industry.
Yes, those were my first thoughts in regards to Taco Bell's new commercial for what they have dubbed "Fourthmeal" - the meal between dinner and breakfast. I can't find the commercial online yet, but you can check out the website here -
I think their intentions were to target the college drunks and stoners who are lookin to satisfy those munchies at 2 AM. I'm from Seattle, and this would be everyone in line at Dick's Drive-in at 2 in the morning trying to get their burger fix so they can slip into a food coma from eating too many calories in one sitting. For me, this would be called getting Funked - Food+Drunk = Calorie/Alcohol Coma. could be that their new target market are Hobbits. Either one would be better than assuming Taco Bell is trying to get America fatter than they already are by creating a new meal time for everyone. I mean come on? Fourthmeal - are you serious? I hope the PR guys at TB aren't getting too overworked for this marketing mistake. If you wanted to let stoners know they can eat at TB in the middle of the night, just tell them that. Show some stoners with munchies. This just makes it seem like you think people should either get out of bed to go eat their fourth meal of the day, or they're just not supposed to sleep. Both are really unhealthy.
Lastly, there has got to be a better name than "Fourthmeal." Who are the ad wizards who came up with this one? OH yeah, ichameleon/group & FCB. Come-a Come-a Come-a Come-a Come on ichameleon. (Sorry, couldn't resist) Brunch was a mix between breakfast and dinner, so why can't a meal between dinner and breakfast be dikfast? Oh, I see... Yeah that kinda sounds like a Hillshire Farms company picnic. So, good job on choosing Fourthmeal guys!
I can't wait for someone to try and market brunch more. If this fourthmeal thing takes off, this could be a new trend in positioning. I can picture it now - Fast food chains creating new meal times and then altering their menus. People will stop working because they demand to have their blunch break, yes, blunch - the meal between brunch and lunch. It will lead to outrageous weight gain and laziness and craziness and... this post is out of control.
Almost forgot to mention the Web site more. Umm, yeah, it really sucks. They tried to make it all interactive and stuff like a SecondLife kind of deal. Didn't really work out so well. If you go there and check it out, you'll see what I mean. Number one - you can't fly like in SecondLife, so that's already a few points in deductions. And two, everything else is just kinda lame. I DON"T WANT TO WALK AROUND IN TB LAND!
Labels: america, fourthmeal, funked, obesity, secondlife, taco bell

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