Axe Construction Girls Gone Bad
I was surfing around and found this blog post about a recent interactive advertising piece by Bom Chicka Wah Wah for Axe deodorant. These girls in Dallas were dressed like construction workers and making suggestive comments at passer byers. Their hard hats had the Bom Chicka Wah Wah sticker on them and they were supposedly saying things like "You must be wearing Axe!"

My thought was, if you're boosting egos by having some hot girls making comments at passing men and telling them they're hot because they must be wearing Axe, aren't you eliminating possible new users? More than half the guys walking by there probably aren't wearing Axe, yet they're telling those men they're hot - they're basically telling them they don't need Axe to be hot, they already are! So, this whole experience doesn't create a call to action or anything. It doesn't create new customers. It's a failure. Girls used badly.

My thought was, if you're boosting egos by having some hot girls making comments at passing men and telling them they're hot because they must be wearing Axe, aren't you eliminating possible new users? More than half the guys walking by there probably aren't wearing Axe, yet they're telling those men they're hot - they're basically telling them they don't need Axe to be hot, they already are! So, this whole experience doesn't create a call to action or anything. It doesn't create new customers. It's a failure. Girls used badly.
Labels: Axe, axe girls, body spray, bom chicka wah wah, construction, interactive marketing, viral marketing

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