Jeep's Eulogy
A new :60 spot for Jeep shows the 66 years of heritage behind the brand, but I don't think this is a commercial, rather a pre-funeral eulogy. The brand is sinking and rumor has it, is about to get canned by the struggling Chrysler Corp. Plus, if they were attempting to revive the brand, this commercial was probably the worst thing they could have chosen to do. The tone is kinda cheesy, but I did think the animation was well done. The Jeep division's struggle could be seen when they tried to expand their lineup by introducing the first four-door Jeep (a mistake?), and they launched a massive Jeep Patriot interactive campaign. It will be sad to see such an American classic go, but oh well, should've hired some better creative. With all the American car companies struggling, I wonder if those heads have more to do with the direction of marketing than anyone thinks. Perhaps, they're still stuck in their ways of producing "American" classics. Maybe they need an American culture lesson.

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