This Is The WTF Blog Post
So a couple of videos came my way this week that I just had to post because they fall under the category of WTF? First up is a spot done for a Canadian convienence store called Mac's. I don't know what they're selling, and I'm not sure I want to go to the store if they're selling what it looks like they're selling. Check it out.
The second video isn't as much of a WTF? video as it is just awesome. This is probably the coolest cat you'll ever see in a music video. When you're drinkin' 40's of milk, you're just straight up gangsta. My favorite part is when the old lady pours out some for Rap Cat's hommes. This is supposed to be some sort of guerrilla marketing video, I don't know what for, and Adrants' negative review says it's supposedly making fun of the rise of bad rap music in the music industry.
The second video isn't as much of a WTF? video as it is just awesome. This is probably the coolest cat you'll ever see in a music video. When you're drinkin' 40's of milk, you're just straight up gangsta. My favorite part is when the old lady pours out some for Rap Cat's hommes. This is supposed to be some sort of guerrilla marketing video, I don't know what for, and Adrants' negative review says it's supposedly making fun of the rise of bad rap music in the music industry.

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