In a world controlled by industry and the machine, this blog observes and critiques the world's true graffiti problem, which is advertising and marketing. From time to time, I'll also talk about art and interactive media. Or whatever else I feel like.
Okay, so the Cascades just got a dusting of snow (THANK YOU LA NINA!), but just cause the leaves are STARTING to change color doesn't mean you can skip 3 months ahead in time to Christmas. I love Christmas, don't get me wrong. It's just, I really hate it when retail goes on sale 3-4 months ahead of time. You can't even buy Eggnog this time of year, but Toys-R-Us is ready for the holiday season as noted by Copyranter. I'd like to see the research that supports the early sale of Christmas crap in September, or did they ask Geoffrey the Giraffe for marketing advice? I thought everyone did their shopping the day after Thanksgiving, so why is there a Christmas dispay in Toys-R-Us this time of the year? Were they worried some other toy store would beat them in sales? Laughable.
So, there's been a little backlash from the young 3iying girls on YouTube claiming that a crap load of advertising targeting young women fails miserably. They concluded this through their testing process known as "the flip." Basically it's a bunch of clips of young ladies saying why different ads targeting their demographic got "the flip." I thought the comments were interesting, although I don't know how their comments align with the views of the majority, but interesting nonetheless. I definitely love hearing people say advertising dollars are being wasted through bad creative. It makes me smile knowing some dumb ass on Madison didn't do his homework for nailing the target.
Check out what a few of them have to say. I think the better question is not how much money is being wasted on bad creative, but how much money is not being spent on research! Or, maybe these girls just AREN'T the target market. I for one think there are girls who like to look at other girls' crotches, and maybe those are the girls that are most likely to buy G-Unit stuff (watch the clip).
Spotted an IKEA mobile advertising truck the other day in Bellevue that was basically a rolling bedroom with a billboard on the back. For a while now I've been seeing the billboard trucks in downtown Seattle, but this puts those to shame. Best part is, the trucks from GoMobileAdvertising run on bio-diesel, which makes me happy that they're at least somewhat thinking about the environment while makin' money. Check out their video to see their cool truck displays
I also like GoMobile's other truck displays, including their fuel tankers, which have GPS tracking so you know if your ad dollars are being wasted on some semi in the middle of North Dakota.
So, in the continuing debate of which social site is better, it appears the sheep are moving on to greener pastures; greener pastures being Facebook. AdAge is reporting that advertisers are flocking to Facebook because it's less commercial than MySpace. I guess what's to insue is a rat race to deface Facebook and create another ad space property for Mr. Moneybags Murdoch. Yipee! I personally can't wait untill Facebook has a big Ad for the next Amanda Bynes movie painted across the Homepage. It will be interesting to see where socialites fade away to next to escape the barrage of ads from dating sites. See what AdGabber has to say.