Seattle Times anti-Vagina
The Seattle Times opted not to run this ad for a local presentation of Eve Ensler's Vagina Monologues. The show was being co-sponsored by the National Council of Jewish Women, Seattle office. Wait, back the truck up - the Seattle Times doesn't want to run an ad that is being displayed in local synagogues? Times' VP of advertising, Mei-Mei Chan says, "The artwork was something we didn't feel was appropriate..." It's hanging in a fricken synagogue!
Yes, there's an obvious clit and a majora opening, but as far as inappropriate? - nay. A fellow blogger made a good point by saying the refusal to run the ad was exactly what V-Monologues is all about - the taboo stereotype of the (shh...) vagina.
So congratulations Seattle Times - your maturity matches your 6th grade reading level. My only hope is that Mei-Mei hits puberty soon and realizes she and many other females in the world like her have VAGINAS!
Yes, there's an obvious clit and a majora opening, but as far as inappropriate? - nay. A fellow blogger made a good point by saying the refusal to run the ad was exactly what V-Monologues is all about - the taboo stereotype of the (shh...) vagina.
So congratulations Seattle Times - your maturity matches your 6th grade reading level. My only hope is that Mei-Mei hits puberty soon and realizes she and many other females in the world like her have VAGINAS!
Labels: national council of jewish women, seattle times, vagina monologues
Mei Mei can just jump off a bridge. Face it, girls have...say it with me now...vaginas.
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