Graffiti 360

In a world controlled by industry and the machine, this blog observes and critiques the world's true graffiti problem, which is advertising and marketing. From time to time, I'll also talk about art and interactive media. Or whatever else I feel like.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Interactive Scam

So, for a project, I think our class should create a phony email like the one Joe shared in class. The email would be interactive because the recipients could choose to respond or not, but if they did, then the money (or whatever we decide to have them send us) would become a part of the art piece (of course we would return their participation). So, I think all it comes down to is creating a phony hotmail account, drafting an email, getting a hold of a mass mailing list, and sending the sucker out and wait for replies. Does it get filtered? Does it get trashed? Would we get responses? I don't know, but I think this would be interesting to see how many people would be suckered into a nicely worded email. I think it would be something you could easily keep track of and record how many people were sent the email and how many people replied, and what not. I don't know what the subject of the email should be... My first thought is something like a settlement in a class-action lawsuit and they won some money. We just need their information to be able to send them their settlement reward. eh? Anybody got any other ideas? Post a comment.

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