Monty Python performed by scammers
So, after my post about an interactive scam email, I came across this video on YouTube. They are scammers from West Africa who were scammed themselves into producing this video. They are performing a Monty Python skit called "The Dead Parrot." The reason? They tried to scam some people by pretending to be cancer victims in Africa who needed money for therapy. Their email was received by a scam interceptor who's hobby/job is to try to waste the time of scammers as much as possible as a way of payback/discouragement. So the intercept then pretended to be a CEO of a company who was giving away money to people who sent in video of acted out television and/or movie scenes. The West African scammers sent this video in. I think it's cool because it's interactive, but they don't even know about it. What a great way to get some funny video content. Anyway, you probably could have gotten all that from just watching the video, so just watch the video.

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