Phones and Snail Mail
Does anyone write letters anymore? I do when good ol' mommy reminds me to write thank you letters to my relatives during holidays. But, unless its a cordial thank you, I don't usually send mail. This past spring I was looking for a new job and I had bought a whole bunch of resume paper and envelopes to mail my resume and cover letters out, but all the places I applied just asked for emails with PDFs attached. I'm all about saving trees, so it didn't bother me at all, it's just interesting how the system is changing.
Also changing I think is the way we communicate. At my new job, I get email after email from my boss and other people in the office. I work 50 steps away from my boss and he sends me emails every 10 minutes which have little to no subject. I've become really comfortable using email - too comfortable. I've lost the little phone skills I had. Now, when I HAVE to call someone, I get really nervous and I have to write out a script sometimes. Emails are no problem though. I can write out, erase and review how my words will appear. I wish we used phones more in our new technologically advanced society. I wonder if this reliance on, or rather, this more prolific use of email will change the communication skills of youth?
Labels: email, snail mail, youth trends

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