Graffiti 360

In a world controlled by industry and the machine, this blog observes and critiques the world's true graffiti problem, which is advertising and marketing. From time to time, I'll also talk about art and interactive media. Or whatever else I feel like.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Skinny Fashion Models Exposed!

Finally, someone got evidence to show why fashion models look like they are on drugs. Contrary to popular belief that models look like they're on coke or heroin all the time, this ad for Sisley shows that most of us were just prejudice. Fashion models don't do drugs - they just really like fashion! Oh, boy.

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This Is The WTF Blog Post

So a couple of videos came my way this week that I just had to post because they fall under the category of WTF? First up is a spot done for a Canadian convienence store called Mac's. I don't know what they're selling, and I'm not sure I want to go to the store if they're selling what it looks like they're selling. Check it out.

The second video isn't as much of a WTF? video as it is just awesome. This is probably the coolest cat you'll ever see in a music video. When you're drinkin' 40's of milk, you're just straight up gangsta. My favorite part is when the old lady pours out some for Rap Cat's hommes. This is supposed to be some sort of guerrilla marketing video, I don't know what for, and Adrants' negative review says it's supposedly making fun of the rise of bad rap music in the music industry.

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Google Advertising in YouTube Videos

So, Google has begun its advertising in videos on YouTube. This guy made a little video about it. I don't like it, but I haven't seen any videos yet that actually have it, so I'm wondering if it's only new videos that get advertising now, or if the videos have to be featured, or what. I did a quick search on YouTube to try and find some vids with ads, but I didn't find anything. The featuyred videos didn't even have ads. After being unable to find a video with a google ad, I started to wonder why this guy was watching a Kelly Piclker video. Mmmm... Check it out though - A little prevy of things to come from Google and YouTube.

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Loved this spot for Epuron, which I believe is a German based energy producer who is investing in... well, just watch the clip.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

New Halls Defense Ad Campaign

JWT has put out this new print campaign for Halls Defense lozengers, which I find very creative and well done. I particularly liked how the images were simple, yet eye-catching. The use of black and white really makes the lozengers stand out and I think it gets the point across perfectly. It worked on me, and I think if anything works on my critic-driven mind, then it's good work. I was able to easily put two and two together with the images and then understand the message quickly. The copy reads -"Protect Yourself."

I first saw these on a transit bus in Seattle. I originally thought it was a local campaign like the Lifesavers, but I believe this campaign is national.

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Facebook Grows Up

In a recent adgabber article, 40 percent of Facebook's audience is said to be over the age of 34. Wow. This has all happened since last September when Facebook lifted restrictions on membership to allow anyone to join. You used to be required to have a .edu email address to join.

In this terribly researched and written article by BBC news, the author points out the social divide that has occurred between users of MySpace and Facebook. The author seems shocked as to why to social networking sites could hold such different demographics. Well, if the BBC had done its research they would have known that higher class individuals prefer Facebook and lower class individuals prefer MySpace for a reason. Facebook was orignially created as a social networking site for Harvard Univiersity students. Last time I checked, most people who went to Harvard weren't lower class. MySpace was created by some guy in his basement and it was intended to include everyone. Also, because Facebook developed as a social networking site for college students, for two years it only allowed membership to college students. So, while all the high school students and the college drop-outs working at McD's were on MySpace, Facebook was getting the people who could afford a college education. Hey BBC, no wonder your findings showed a divide!

I do think it's interesting that the age divide on Facebook is happening. I thought it would be the opposite. Since membership restrictions were lifted, I thought there would be an increase in younger adults and teens who might already be on MySpace and wanted to get on Facebook too. All in all, I think this age divide could be attributed to an increase in online pedaphiles. Seriously, it's all those old guys who are 34, bald, and livin in a fantasy world.

Here are some links to articles covering the online social divide -
BBC News
Danah Boyd's Blog (It was referenced in a few other articles

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