Graffiti 360

In a world controlled by industry and the machine, this blog observes and critiques the world's true graffiti problem, which is advertising and marketing. From time to time, I'll also talk about art and interactive media. Or whatever else I feel like.

Friday, February 29, 2008

DDB Revamps Web Site . . . WTF?

In what I think is a bold move, DDB Seattle recently revamped their Web site in what I can only assume is an effort to provide some personality to their big agency feel (check out the "WTF?" link in the upper right). Morons. Letting loose your employees to say whatever they want on a blog is probably one of the stupidest things I've ever seen. But that's okay, cause I definitely want to know where some of DDB's strategists stand on the American political process, and I'm sure some of their more conservative, big corp. clients want to know too. Just do work you idiots. A blog is cool, but don't make your agency's home page into a social network.

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Puppets Sing Top 40 Hits

Do you like Top 40 hits? Do you like puppets? Well, then you should check out Fluff and Such Puppetry. Join Nonsanity Cat, Cuddles, TankPolice, and Muadib on their Sunday night broadcast of the Funday Pawpet Show. It's puppets, swearing, yelling, gossiping, and making music videos of Top 40 hits like Avril Lavigne's "I'm with you," or my personal favorite, Peter Schilling's "Major Tom" (takes a little while to load-Quicktime). Check out the other hit videos.

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Monday, February 25, 2008

Dew the Label, Bro!

Mountain Dew is teaming up with artists to bring you Green Label Art. This isn't the first time Pepsi has decorated it's cans. Last year they had a Pepsi can design contest. This isn't surprising, considering their target is youths. I like it, and what better way to create now, what Coca-Cola did years ago with their collectibles. I think Coca-Cola's nostalgia has been it's biggest asset in remaining top dog in the carbonated soft drink market. Pepsi's not going anywhere in the next 50 years, so this bottle art will become collectible. I think they look really good on the aluminum bottles. I think they chose to do this on Mt. Dew bottles because of the relationship they've created between the youth counter-culture and the Mt. Dew brand - sponsoring sporting events like the Dew Tour, and athletes like Shaun White. Perhaps Pepsi believes Mt. Dew is their strongest tool to use that relationship to rope youth into the Pepsi brand.

Check out the Green Label Art YouTube site to see how the brand worked with artists to create the bottles.

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Friday, February 22, 2008

Who Wants Crystal Balls In The Face!

My theory is this Baccarat Crystal Party chandelier is like God's nut sack and you get the pleasure of getting tea-bagged by it! Who wants an Almighty tea-baggin!? wtf.


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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Advertising, You Are My Bitch Lover!

Returning to the subject of advertising in a nutshell, this video sums it up in another way.

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Thursday, February 14, 2008

9/11 + Hiroshima = Death By Water

I thought these ads for Solidaritas had great imagery. They're simple and yet they say a lot. I love the way they seamed together the 3d characters and the image. The message is straight forward and easy to decipher. But, I don't think they translated this very well - "Non-drinking water kills 8 millions persons a year." ummm. yeah. But it looks great! The images are powerful, but not over the top. It's a step away from the starving African child look.

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Seattle Times anti-Vagina

The Seattle Times opted not to run this ad for a local presentation of Eve Ensler's Vagina Monologues. The show was being co-sponsored by the National Council of Jewish Women, Seattle office. Wait, back the truck up - the Seattle Times doesn't want to run an ad that is being displayed in local synagogues? Times' VP of advertising, Mei-Mei Chan says, "The artwork was something we didn't feel was appropriate..." It's hanging in a fricken synagogue!

Yes, there's an obvious clit and a majora opening, but as far as inappropriate? - nay. A fellow blogger made a good point by saying the refusal to run the ad was exactly what V-Monologues is all about - the taboo stereotype of the (shh...) vagina.

So congratulations Seattle Times - your maturity matches your 6th grade reading level. My only hope is that Mei-Mei hits puberty soon and realizes she and many other females in the world like her have VAGINAS!

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Monday, February 11, 2008

Advertising Industry In Half A Nutshell

Everyday I ask myself why? Why do I work in this mind controlling, manipulating, self-centered industry called advertising? A friend of mine who works at Avenue A/Razorfish concluded this - working in the advertising industry is like having a bitchy girlfriend who puts out. I agree. She's hot, she's hip, and she's horny, but goddamn she's needy and testy too! You wanna be with her because you create some pretty sweet stuff (it can be magical), but it sucks sitting through all the bullshit.

Unless . . . you're a freelancer. Freelancers are straight up playas. They get all the magical, but they're not tied to a single agency or client. However, you don't always get play as frequently when you're a freelancer, unless you're dyn-o-mite.

Some people like the comfort of a monogamous, solid relationship, while others prefer to play the field. Well, I'd rather have a bitchy girl who puts out than a boring one who's as dry as the Mojave.

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Friday, February 1, 2008

Avenue A/Razorfish Using Facebook Groups to Track Project Status

After doin a little creepin' on Facebook, I came across this new group. Avenue A/Razorfish has started using Facebook groups to post news and track the status of inter-office projects. The idea is that offices in say Ft. Lauderdale, Chicago, and Austin can all be on the same page when working on regionally shared projects. More so though, employees can track company news like the Microsoft merger and stay current with the status of the take-over.

Pretty much one of the lamest ideas I've ever seen. Why would the largest interactive marketing and technology services firm in the U.S. be using a social networking site like Facebook to communicate between offices? It doesn't make any sense. Dave Friedman, president for the Central region, must have wanted to create an excuse so he could check friends' mini-feeds all day. What happened to creating a micro-site or company emails? Or how 'bout a blog?

I want to believe Friedman has his head at least 1/4 of the way out of his ass, so my theory would be this decision came in correlation with the Microsoft merger. Microsoft buys a little of Facebook and Avenue A, and then puts some pressure to have everything start assimilating into one indomitable powerhouse. In about 6 months however, this will fade away when everyone realizes how dumb this idea is. Utterly retarded.

Make Dave Friedman your Facebook Friend!

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